Sunday, October 15, 2006

Luxury buildings

I have kind of a love-hate relationship with luxury buildings. On the one hand, they're soulless and overpriced, and stand for everything that's wrong with the new face of New York. On the other hand, they're incredibly convenient: doormen to take packages, elevator for bringing things up to your apartment, gym when it's too cold or late to leave the building, no broker wasting your time and then emptying your wallet, no unruly supers taking forever to do repairs, modern appliances.

The one frustrating thing about these buildings is that they're hard to find. A lot of them only list their prices in the paper New York Times. A lot of them want you to call or email for prices, a waste of time for all involved. Nearly identical buildings can vary greatly in price. As part of my apartment hunting, I collected my notes in a Google Notebook. But what I really wanted was a good list of luxury buildings and their prices. Nybits was okay, but slow to go through. Apartment ratings was promising, but had almost no data.

So, I broke down and made something myself, borrowing liberally from my friend and coworker Mihai's overplot mashup. The result is luxurny. It's a little clunky and could use some more coverage, so please send me additions. For now, I'm limiting it to Manhattan luxury buildings.


  1. Where does your data come from?

  2. I collected it myself from the print NYT and the sites of some of these management companies…

  3. Hey Kushal!
    This is really neat! Matt's right, it is cool to know engineers who can do stuff like this!

  4. Where does the $3,595 price from Tribeca Tower come from? I have been tracking availabilities daily for the last month, and it's been a while since there was anything less than $4,000 listed. Every Related building has an "Availabilities" page which shows all available apartments, plus they will send you a daily email with apartment availabilities.

  5. very cool. are there any plans to do other locations like Bay Area or maybe Dubai

  6. What is your definition of a 'luxury' building?

  7. really awesome.

    i was searching the net for a list of luxo apartment buildings, and could not find any compilations.

    your site has a bunch.

    keep up the good work!

    - josh

  8. How often do you update your prices?

  9. i live in finland where everything is middle class and therefore somewhat boring. i find this luxury building concept kinda refreshing.
