Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Back again

So, just as I was about to write a blog entry describing how Feedster came through with Janet Jackson pictures way before the big engines could catch up with it, coupled with a rant about how a network whose leading shows are rife with violence and allusions to sex and even purport to present "reality" had turned out to be just as hypocritically and capriciously Puritanical and superstitious as the next American, I found out our server had been hacked. Grr. I think I would rather have a car stolen than have my data messed with. It's just disruptive and scary. Anyway, things are back to normal (yay Richard!).

Since then, not too much has happened. I finally saw 28 Days Later (scary!) and watched Miracle (fun, simple!) with Wes (happy birthday wes!). I also made Valentine's Day reservations with the help of Open Table. What a cool service. It'd be nice if they linked straight to menus, though, since it took a while to figure out which restaurants (many of them!) didn't have vegetarian options, especially on their prix fixe menus.

I'm now on Orkut. Come find me. It's already proven quite valuable. I found out that Anna has been signed for many more episodes on O.C. and I found a really interesting list of collaboratively filtered web surfing experiments.

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