Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Stuff I've been up to

I've had two good meals lately which have left me wondering why I haven't done a better job of restaurant scavenging before. The mushroom tower at The Asgard was tasty, if too spicy. And Audubon Circle is close by and has $4 beer, great atmosphere, and good veggie burgers.

Also exciting was a trip to see Swan Lake at the Wang Center. Ballet turned out to be much more entertaining than I remember from seeing Nutcracker years ago.


The Stanford Prison Experiment actually has an interesting slide show walking you through what happened, which seems to be slightly more subtle than the way the magazines have been referencing it....

Saturday, May 8, 2004


I installed Gallery (with Richard's help). Voila!. These pictures join the ones from Fernanda, Scott, and Yuri. ;-)

Monday, May 3, 2004

Back from Vienna!

I got back Sunday, and it looks like it's going to be a few days before I get my life in order. I have some pictures from my snazzy new camera, but I can't really share them till I find some good online album software.... In the meantime, suffice it to say that Vienna was awesome. And, oh yeah, some of the things at the conference were neat. ;-) I spent a lot of time eating and museuming and drinking and went to a castle. Oxford was gorgeous, too, although it left me missing Yale a lot.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Off to Vienna

I wanted to stop and work at the field hospital and fall in love with the local beauty, but also be home in a week so I could do so many other things, fifty life-directions all seemed equally appealing and possible — shark wrangler! Whatever happened to training to be a goddamned shark wrangler?

Just in time for my trip to Vienna for CHI (thanks IBM!) (with a sidetrip to see Madhan at Oxford that made the plane tickets cheaper!), I have finished reading You Shall Know Our Velocity, which, despite some parts where it drags, is a really incredible book, especially with the twist which is apparently only present in the paperback version. It's one of those books that really makes you take stock of things.

Also thematically appropriate (insofar as Germany is near Austria), I saw Goodbye, Lenin tonight. It gets a little absurd, but is sweet in the end.

And also just in time, my Pentax S4 arrived. Hopefully I'll have some good pictures to share when I return.

As an aside, sadly (ironically?) I never got to post my thoughts on BloggerCon, though some of them appear in the replies here.

Mm, restaurants

It's not quite Green Line Menus, but this little list is handy for finding restaurants in Cambridge. Somehow it's just easier to use than Boston.com, Citysearch, or Opentable. I just went to the Cambridge Brewing Company yesterday, and though it's not as good as Beer Works, it is nicely close to work.

Monday, April 12, 2004

Back from DC

Had an awesome time visiting Mike in DC. Saw cherry blossoms, went to the Spy Museum (highlights included an explanation of lock picking, a video about Aldrich Ames, an Aston-Martin, eyeglasses with cyanide in them, miniature recording devices and guns and knives, stuff about pigeons carrying cameras and the tunnel under the Berlin Wall and the enigma and ways of blowing up trains and disguises and modern-day Trojan horses and...) and to the outlet malls at Leesburg and went out in Arlington. Now I'm quite sleepy, though. Note to self: don't make plans involving getting to BWI early in the morning. Also played lots of Dreamcast Tetris and made use of Mike's nice cell data service from Verizon.

Also had dinner before I left at Chez Henri, which was the only place we could find with vegetarian French food. It's weird that it's so hard to find vegetarian French food, since the few times I've had it, it's been awesome.